Sesiones de orientacion Paul Pfeiffer
December 10, 12, 5:00 pm-6:30 pm

Orientation session: Paul Pfeiffer. Prologue to the Story of the Birth of Freedom



A session with the Museum’s Education Team to help you plan your visit to the exhibition with your students. Tour of the exhibition included. Paul Pfeiffer’s enticing big-scale projections and immersive video installations blur genre boundaries. Pfeiffer uses images of sporting events from film and television, transforming them into something new by editing details out or placing them in a new context through time-consuming and meticulous editing work. In so doing, he creates new narratives with multiple readings that raise awareness of the expansion of the entertainment industry machinery, encouraging a critical mindset towards fascination with celebrity culture.

Abenduak 10
Language: Basque

Abenduak 12
Language: Spanish

