Clandestine Bronzes
Clandestine Bronzes

Pablo Picasso
Picasso et buste en plâtre de Dora Maar dans l'atelier des Grands-Augustins
Maar Dora (dite), Markovitch Henriette Dora (1907-1997)
© Sucesión, Pablo Picasso, Madrid, 2023.
© Dora Maar, Bilbao, VEGAP, 2023.

During World War II, and despite the German occupation, Picasso remained in Paris. There, in his studio on the Rue des Grands-Augustins where he had painted Guernica in 1937, he continued creating large-scale plaster works. In 1941, when the law restricted the use of metals employed in warfare, Picasso still managed to secretly produce some bronze castings of his sculptures in the foundry of Émile Robecchi, one of the few that continued operating during the war. The scarcity of materials was compounded by the difficulty in finding skilled labor—as many molders, casters, chiselers, and patinors were mobilized to the front—and by the additional risk of being discovered while working in the foundries.

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