As part of the Didaktika project, the Museum designs educational spaces and organizes activities that complement the exhibitions in an effort to provide tools and resources, both in the galleries and online, to facilitate the appreciation and understanding of the works on display.
How can we talk about the body without representing it?
Dancer and choreographer Trisha Brown blurred the boundaries between the disciplines of dance and the fine arts in the series It‘s a Draw. Brown enacted a series of movements while holding charcoal with her feet and hands, leaving the marks of her action on a large piece of paper. Y
Likewise, Huguette Caland addressed the topic of the human body through sensual shapes that suggest folds, nooks, and curves which expand to the limits of the canvas. Her works also challenged the existing taboos around female sexuality. What part of the body might the work Body Scraps 1976 suggest?
Huguette Caland
Fragmentos de cuerpos (Bribes de corps), 1973
Óleo sobre lienzo de lino
Cortesía Familia Caland
Foto: Elon Schoenholz