19 students, 2nd grade, San Pedro Apóstol School, Bilbao

19 students, 2nd grade, San Pedro Apóstol School, Bilbao

Language: Spanish
Artist: Elssie Ansareo
Teachers: Lara Hernandez, Laura Zabala, Aitor Castillo

The project carried out in this Bilbao school was aimed at raising awareness of the social relevance of taking care of the environment. The students got familiar with artists concerned with the protection of nature, either in the materials they used or in performative terms.

The students got the whole school community involved, as well as their families and neighbors, showing the importance of reuse to environmental protection. Under the name “Wandering Gallery”, the group made banners, placards, and fanzines for a waste recycling campaign. They even wrote letters inviting local residents to dispose of their waste materials at the school.

Waste gathering went on for several weeks. The students analyzed and classified the household waste, and they discussed possible ways of recycling and reusing it. Recycling was understood as key to minimizing the environmental impact of the art project. Waste cardboard and other materials were used to paint abstract codes referring to the elements of nature: blue for water and air, green for plants and trees, yellow for the sun and the stars, pink for people, animals and plants. In a performance recorded on video, the Wandering Gallery moved around the school creating abstract compositions along the way. Values like equality, inclusion, and living together in harmony were emphasized during this activity.