Juan Muñoz enfrente de su instalación ‘Double Bind’ en Tate Modern, Londres, 2001. Photo: Simon Williams.
Muñoz, Juan
Madrid, 1953 | Ibiza, 2001

Born on June 17.
Moves to London.
After receiving a grant from the British Council, enrolls at the Central School of Art and Design in London, where he will earn a degree in lithography.
After receiving a second grant from the British Council, studies at the Croydon School of Art in London. Meets Cristina Iglesias, whom he will later marry.
Receives a Fulbright grant from the Comité Conjunto Hispano-Americano and continues his studies at the Pratt Institute of Art and Design in New York. Meets Richard Serra.
Moves to Torrelodones in Madrid. Creates his first welded metal sculptures.
Holds his first solo exhibition, at Galería Fernando Vijande in Madrid.
Exhibits at Galería Cómicos in Lisbon.
Muñoz’s El norte de la tormenta is featured in the Aperto section of the XLII Biennale di Venezia.
Muñoz’s first solo museum exhibition takes place at CAPC, Musée d’Art Contemporain de Bordeaux. Exhibits at Lisson Gallery in London and Galerie Roger Pailhas in Marseille.
Exhibitions of Muñoz’s work are held in galleries in Athens, Düsseldorf, and Paris. Creates his first “dwarf ” sculpture, Dwarf with Three Columns.
Exhibits A Room for a Doctor of Pain, a collaborative project with Belgian architect Paul Robbrecht, at Galería Marga Paz in Madrid. Creates his first bronze sculpture.
Exhibits at the Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago and at the Arnolfini in Bristol, England. Muñoz’s work is included in the exhibition Possible Worlds at the Institute of Contemporary Arts and Serpentine Gallery in London.
Moves to Rome for a year. Exhibitions of Muñoz’s work are presented at the Museum Haus Lange in Krefeld, Germany; Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven, the Netherlands; and Marian Goodman Gallery in New York.
Commissioned by Artangel to create the outdoor sculpture Untitled Monument (London), which is installed at the southern bank of the Thames, for the exhibition Doubletake at the Hayward Gallery in London. The Institut Valencià d’Art Modern in Valencia, Spain, organizes an exhibition of Muñoz’s work. His Una habitación donde siempre llueve, commissioned by Gloria Moure and the city of Barcelona, is installed in Plaça del Mar in Barcelona. Takes part in Documenta 9 in Kassel, Germany. Creates the audio recording Third Ear with critic Adrian Searle for broadcast on BBC radio.
With Spanish composer Alberto Iglesias, brother of Cristina Iglesias, creates the audio recording Building for Music for radio broadcast during the exhibition Sonsbeek 93 in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Creates Stuttering Piece, his first figurative sculpture with an audio recording.
Exhibits at the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin, where he shows his largest outdoor work, Conversation Piece, and at the Carré d’Art, Musée d’Art Contemporain in Nîmes, France.
Works as an artist-in-residence at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, where he exhibits A Portrait of a Turkish Man Drawing. Exhibits at the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Juan Muñoz: Monólogos y diálogos opens at the Palacio de Velázquez, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid and later travels to the Museum für Gegenswartskunst in Zurich. The exhibition A Place Called Abroad is mounted at Dia:Chelsea in New York and will travel the following year to SITE Santa Fe. The Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin publishes the book Silence Please! Stories After the Works of Juan Muñoz, with texts by other artists, curators, and writers, among them John Berger. Directs John Berger’s Will It Be a Likeness? at the Theater am Turm in Frankfurt.
Exhibits at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Participates in the XLVII Biennale di Venezia. Commissioned by Artangel, collaborates with British composer Gavin Bryars to create A Man in a Room, Gambling, which is recorded by BBC Radio and later released as a CD by Point Music. Muñoz’s work is featured in the inaugural exhibition of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, The Guggenheim Museums and the Art of This Century.
Collaborates with John Berger on the lecture and performance A Correspondence About Space at the Geheimnisse der Raumproduktion in Hamburg.
Muñoz’s work is featured in Spanish and Basque Contemporary Art at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Will It Be a Likeness? is performed at the Thik Theatre im Kornhaus in Baden, Switzerland.
Receives the Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports.
Creates the installation Double Bind for the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern in London for the Unilever Series. The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., holds a major retrospective of Muñoz’s work that later travels to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston. Exhibits at the Louisiana Museum for Moderne Kunst in Humlebaek, Denmark. Thirteen Laughing at Each Other is installed in ParqueCordoaria in Porto. Dies at his home in Ibiza on August 28.
Muñoz’s Conversation Piece, created in 2001, is installed in the Doris C. Freedman Plaza in New York as part of the Public Art Fund program.