The first Learning Through Art was held in 1998, in the belief that the results of this high-value educational project were worth sharing at the Museum. The boys and girls whose works were shown in this first exhibition must be grown-ups by now: perhaps they still remember their participation in our educational art program. Since then, 3700 schoolchildren and 34 artists have been part of LTA, carrying out 188 art projects. On the occasion of the program’s 25th anniversary, we would like to think about its manifold contributions: new ways of looking at the world, new questions, unexpected responses, a process-based approach to education in art, exhibition openings that filled the Museum with music and laughter… We would also like to thank all the dedicated teachers who have agreed to join us in this adventure, exploring unchartered territory with us and opening the door to their classrooms for our artists to step in. LTA is in line with the purpose stated in the Museum’s Strategic Plan – “To inspire and open up new perspectives through art in its values” –, while meeting the Museum’s social and educational commitments, and connecting the educational and artistic communities. Every year, LTA gives schoolchildren the chance to explore their creative skills and discover new artistic disciplines led by artists, creating their own works of art and using new materials. Moreover, LTA encourages children to reflect on their personal experiences, on everything they have learned, and on the program’s contribution to their personal growth. Over the past 25 years, LTA has been a witness to changes in society, as schools suggested new topics like sustainability, living together, or emotions, and classrooms became increasingly multicultural environments where students spoke a growing variety of languages. This was also used in the context of the program, highlighting all these aspects through art.