1941 He exhibits at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. His work is very well received in the USA. Miró does hardly any painting between 1941 and 1944, but produces a large amount of works on paper during those years.
1944 He works in ceramics in collaboration with Josep Llorens i Artigas.
1947 He executes a mural for Harvard University, which is followed by other commissions like the Terrace Plaza Hotel in Cincinnati and the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
1950 He settles definitively in Majorca. His new studio, designed by Josep Lluís Sert, allows him to paint large-format works and continue the innovation of mediums and materials first undertaken years earlier.
1966 He makes assemblages from various objects which he then turns into bronze sculptures.
1978 He produces the sets and costumes for Mori el Merma, a show by the Teatre de La Claca company.
1983 Joan Miró dies in Palma de Mallorca.
Joan Miró and Joan Baixas painting the horse of Merma in the workshop of La Claca, 1976.
Fondo Fotogràfic F. Català-Roca – Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya.