Joan Miró
Past exhibition

Joan Miró. Absolute Reality. Paris, 1920–1945

02.10.2023 - 05.28.2023

Joan Miró (b. 1893, Barcelona; d. 1983, Palma de Mallorca) is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. His work is admired for its radical formal innovations developed in the context of the first avant-garde movements, especially Dadaism and Surrealism. Miró was also interested in spiritual matters and fascinated by mysticism, visions, and dreams. His work, moreover, admits political readings, taking into consideration his sympathy for Catalan nationalism and his opposition to Franco’s dictatorship. Forty years after his death, his art has lost none of its seductively enigmatic nature.

Absolute Reality explores a key phase in Miró’s career, the period from 1920—his first trip to Paris— to 1945. These years are characterized by a constant flow of ideas ranging from his initial magic realism to a personal vocabulary of constellated or floating signs on ambiguous backgrounds. In this development, it becomes clear that prehistoric art, including rock paintings, petroglyphs, and statuettes, held a particular attraction for Miró, who proposed returning to the dawn of art in order to retrieve its original spiritual sense.

Miró effected a constant transformation of lived experience into art. Every mark he painted on his works corresponded to something specific, and was anchored to a profound reality that formed part of reality itself.

Gallery: 105
Curator: Enrique Juncosa

Joan Miró
Painting (The Sun) [Peinture (Le Soleil)], 1927
Oil on canvas
38.3 x 46.2 cm
Courtesy The David & Ezra Nahmad Collection
© Successió Miró, 2023

Virtual Tour

We’d like to invite you to enjoy a virtual tour of the exhibition Joan Miró. La realidad absoluta. París, 1920-1945. This tour includes all the works and didactic texts in the show.
Imágen visita virtual Miró 1

The Exhibition

Proyecto para el cartel de la revista L’Instant

Joan Miró
Proyecto para el cartel de la revista L’Instant, 1919
Óleo y texto escrito sobre cartón
107 × 76 cm
© Successió Miró, 2023
IVAM Institut Valenciá d’Art Modern, Generalitat

Joan Miró
Self-portrait, 1919
Oil on canvas
73 x 60 cm
Musée National Picasso, Paris
© Successió Miró, 2023
Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée National Picasso-Paris) /Mathieu Rabeau

Autorretrato (Autoportrait), 1919

Joan Miró
Painting (Peinture), 1925
Oil on canvas
146 x 114.3 cm
Courtesy The David & Ezra Nahmad Collection
© Successió Miró, 2023

Joan Miró
Landscape (The Hare) [Paysage (Le Lièvre)], 1927
Oil on canvas
129.6 × 194.6 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
© Successió Miró, 2023

Paisaje (La liebre)

Joan Miró
Pintura (Peinture), verano de 1936
Óleo, caseína, alquitrán y arena sobre masonita
78 × 108 cm
Coleção de Arte Contemporânea do Estado, em depósito na Fundação de Serralves - Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Oporto
© Successió Miró, 2023
Foto: © Filipe Braga

Joan Miró
Woman and Birds (Femme et oiseaux), 1940
Gouache and oil on paper
38 x 46 cm
Courtesy The David & Ezra Nahmad Collection
© Successió Miró, 2023

Femme et oiseaux 1940 JM54729

In the Museum

