The art of our time. Masterpieces from the Guggenheim Collections
09.23.2014 - 05.10.2015
The Art of Our Time: Masterpieces from the Guggenheim Collections celebrates 20 years of partnership between the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. This exhibition, which echoes the museum’s inaugural presentation in 1997, reveals how the collections of the Guggenheim constellation of museums have grown and flourished over the years, and it also traces the how the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao has evolved into maturity as an international exemplar.
The exhibition follows a certain chronology. The second floor houses, essentially, large-format works, such as the mural by Sol LeWitt exhibited in the gallery for which it was specifically created by the artist or the series of works by Anselm Kiefer, presented in the gallery for which these works were acquired.
Complementing the works above are the site-specific works in galleries 101 and 104, commissioned in keeping with one of the museum’s fundamental acquisition policies: Jenny Holzer’s Installation for Bilbao (1997) and Richard Serra’s sculptural group The Matter of Time (1994–2005). The exhibition also leads visitors outdoors to explore works on the museum’s grounds that strike up provocative dialogues with their surroundings: Yves Klein’s volatile Fire Fountain (1961, fabricated 1997) and Fujiko Nakaya’s Fog Sculpture #08025 (F.O.G.) (1998) in the pond; Louise Bourgeois’s monumental Maman (1999), Anish Kapoor’s Tall Tree & the Eye (2009), and Jeff Koons’s Tulips (1995–2004) overlooking the river; Chillida’s Embrace XI (1996) on the second-floor terrace; Koons’s Puppy (1992) in the museum plaza; and Arcos rojos / Arku gorriak (2007), Daniel Buren’s intervention on La Salve Bridge.
Wall Drawing #831 (Geometric Forms), 1997
Acrylic on wall
Site-specific dimensions
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
The Exhibition
In , 1962
GALLERY 205Barge
Robert Rauschenberg
Barge, 1962–63
Oil and silkscreened ink on canvas
203 x 980 cm
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa and Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, and with additional funds contributed by Thomas H. Lee and Ann Tenenbaum; the International Director’s Council and Executive Committee Members: Eli Broad, Elaine Terner Cooper, Ronnie Heyman, J. Tomilson Hill, Dakis Joannou, Barbara Lane, Robert Mnuchin, Peter Norton, Thomas Walther, and Ginny Williams; and funds from additional donors: Ulla Dreyfus-Best; Norma and Joseph Saul Philanthropic Fund; Elizabeth Rea; Eli Broad; Dakis Joannou; Peter Norton; Peter Lawson-Johnston; Michael Wettach; Peter Littmann; Tiqui Atencio; Bruce and Janet Karatz; and Giulia Ghirardi Pagliai 97.4566

Georg Baselitz
The forgotten Second Congress of the Third Communist International in Moscow 1920, on the right of the picture Ralf, next to him Jörg (Der vergessene 2. Kongress der 3.kommunistischen Internationale in Moskau 1920; rechts im Bild Ralf, daneben Jörg), from (Mrs. Lenin and the Nightingale), 2008
Oil on canvas
300 x 250 cm
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa