Photo: Fernando Díez Varela.
Ansareo, Elssie
Mexico City, 1979

Born on September 24.
Moves from Mexico City to Bilbao to study fine arts at the Universidad del País Vasco, earning a degree in 2003.
Takes part in El cuerpo como obsesión, a photography workshop organized by the Centro de la Imagen in Mexico City.
Wins second honorable mention in a competition sponsored by Fundación Bilbao Arte Fundazioa for photography projects based on Basque capital cities.
Presents the exhibition Variaciones de piel at Elgoibar Ongarri Kultur Etxea, Elgoibar, Spain.
Takes part in El desnudo naturaleza viva, a workshop organized by Huesca Imagen in Huesca, Spain.
Receives a grant for studio space at Fundación Bilbao Arte Fundazioa.
Awarded a fine arts grant by Fundación Endesa. Ansareo’s series Vuela Eolo (2003) is presented at the Fàbrica de Licors Espai Fotogràfic in Palma de Mallorca and her series Mayo (2003) is presented at Espacio Marzana in Bilbao.
Her work is featured in the exhibition Dosmil3 dePRESIÓN at Galería Windsor Kulturgintza in Bilbao and in El paisaje at Espacio Marzana in Bilbao.
Enrolls in the doctorate program in contemporary art “Pensamiento y praxis en el arte contemporáneo” at the Universidad del País Vasco.
Exhibits at the Aula de Cultura Ignacio Aldecoa in Vitoria, the Centro Cultural Bastero Kulturgunea in Andoain, Galería Arteko in San Sebastián, and the Aula de Cultura in Amorebieta, Spain.
Awarded a special mention in the Libros Únicos photography competition, sponsored by Fundación Cajamurcia as part of Fotoencuentros 05 in Murcia, Spain.
Ansareo’s work is selected for Generación 2006, organized by Obra Social Caja Madrid.
Receives an Ayudas a la Creación grant from the Centro Cultural Montehermoso in Vitoria, Spain, to create her series Relatives (2006). Her work is featured in the exhibition Síntesis: 15 años de Becas Endesa at the main headquarters of Endesa in Madrid.
Receives a grant from the provincial government of Vizcaya.
Wins the ALBIAC Prize for photography at the I Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo in Almería, Spain.
Ansareo’s work is selected for Muestra Itinerante de Artes Visuales Ertibil, organized by the Vizcayan government.
Exhibits at Espacio Marzana in Bilbao and the Centro Cultural Montehermoso in Vitoria, Spain.
Ansareo’s work is featured in the exhibitions Chacun à son goût at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Objeto de réplica: La colección VII at Artium, Centro Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo in Vitoria, Spain, and Oasis at the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga in Málaga, Spain.
Participates in the group exhibitions Calypso: Procesos de aprendizaje artístico at the Sala Rekalde in Bilbao and Egoileak—Residentes 2008 at the Fundación Bilbao Arte Fundazioa in Bilbao.
Awarded the Premio Injuve para la Creación Joven by the Instituto de la Juventud, Ministerio de Igualdad. The awarded work is featured in the exhibition Muestra de Artes Visuales Creación Injuve at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid.
Awarded the Ayuda a la Creación Artística by the Basque government.
The video E&E, made with Eduardo Sourrouille, is selected for inclusion in the VIII Premio y Concurso de Artes Plásticas Gobierno de Cantabria in Cantabria, Spain.
Participates in Zinebi ‘09, Festival Internacional de Cine Documental y Cortometraje in Bilbao.
Exhibits at Espacio Marzana in Bilbao and at Galería Cubo Azul in León, Spain.
Participates as a guest artist in an educational workshop and seminar entitled Art and creativity IV: perceive, think, feel, sponsored by the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in collaboration with the Universidad del País Vasco.
The Diputación Foral of Biscay presents the traveling exhibition Bosteko 2011, which includes Ansareo’s works.
Her exhibition El Observatorio opens at Sala del Horno de la Ciudadela – Sala de Exposiciones Municipal, Pamplona. She participates in the shows Alma de Entraña (Tirar del Hilo. Colección Artium) at Artium Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain), and Estaciones at Fundación BilbaoArte, which will then travel to the Sala de Exposiciones CajaSur, Córdoba, and to Palacete del Embarcadero, Santander (Spain).
Presents El observatorio at Fundación BilbaoArte Fundazioa in Bilbao.
(Preposición) La habitación, an audio visual work in collaboration with Alaitz Arenzana, is premiered at Es Baluard in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Bilbao’s Azkuna Zentroa hosts the exhibition 321 maneras de decir tresdosuno .
(Preposición) La habitación is selected to be shown in the film season BIdeOtik at Azkuna Zentroa in Bilbao.
(Preposición) La habitación is screened at Horno de la Ciudadela in Pamplona.
Participates as a speaker in Arte y mujer, a symposium held in Bilbao in the context of the International Print Festival (FIG).
Nfoni/Islada opens at the Euskal Museoa Bilbao Museo Vasco in Bilbao.
Tu nombre está seguro en mi boca is staged at El Sario in the Public University of Navarre, Spain.
Is part of the staff of Learning through Art, the art-in-schools program of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.
Makes BIO/INT/DÍA, an installation for Azkuna Zentroa in Bilbao. It is her first work after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Is one of the artists featured in Insights, a series of interviews from the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.
Participates in Tradizio moderno bat (Una tradición moderna/A Modern Tradition), a group exhibition organized to celebrate the 25th anniversary of BilbaoArte and the opening of the Uribitarte 40 Hall.