Jauregi, Koldobika
Alkiza, Spain, 1959-2024

Born on October 11.
Begins to teach himself sculpture, with the help of painter Jesús Gallego. Decides to become a sculptor after presenting a piece in the Certamen Juvenil in San Sebastián, Spain, and winning first prize.
Selected for the Certamen de Artistas Noveles de Guipúzcoa in San Sebastián.
Holds his first solo exhibitions, in Elduain and Lizartza, Spain.
Selected for the Ertibil 83 competition.
One of Jauregi’s works is installed in the Martutene quarter of San Sebastián.
Exhibits at the Sala de Exposiciones de la Caja de Ahorros Provincial in San Sebastián, Spain.
Travels to an international symposium in Bulgaria on a travel grant from the Basque government.
An exhibition of Jauregi’s works opens at the Sala de Cultura de la Caja Laboral-Euskadiko Kutxa in Aretxabaleta, Spain, and later travels to other galleries in the Basque Country.
Takes part in the Premio Internacional de Grabado Máximo Ramos in Ferrol, Spain.
Receives a grant from the province of Guipúzcoa to travel to Carrara, Italy, where he begins to work on marble statues.
Exhibits at the Sala Municipal de Cultura in Eibar, Spain.
The Xenpelar Etxea in Rentería, Spain, organizes the solo exhibition Caballos.
Exhibits at Galería Vanguardia in Bilbao.
His sculptures are shown at the Palais des Expositions de la Foire d’Art Contemporain of Nice.
A show of Jauregi’s sculptural work is displayed at the Sala de Exposiciones in the Ateneo Municipal in Balmaseda, Spain.
Receives a Zabalaga grant from Eduardo Chillida.
The Museo de San Telmo in San Sebastián holds a major exhibition of Jauregi’s work.
Exhibits at Kribia Galería in Pamplona; Galería Vanguardia in Bilbao; Galería Delpasaje in Valladolid; and Galería Olaetxea in San Sebastián.
The Sala Rekalde in Bilbao organizes the exhibition Procesos de trabajo.
Exhibits at Galería Olaetxea in San Sebastián.
The Basque government commissions Jauregi to create the series of sculptures Formas en crecimiento in Duquesa de Lastur gray limestone.
Participates in the I Trienal de Arte Gráfico de Gijón in Gijón , Spain.
The oak sculpture Baserriaren Barneko Zuhaitza is installed on the façade of the town hall in Legorreta, Spain.
Moves to Düsseldorf, where he will begin to take an interest in Asian philosophy. For the next five years, he will work as a guest artist at the Museum Insel Hombroich,
collaborating with other artists and musicians on an experimental project entitled Arte y naturaleza.
The IKB Deutsche Industriebank installs three of Jauregi’s wooden pieces at its new headquarters in Düsseldorf.
Jauregi’s work is exhibited at the Palacio Aramburu in Tolosa, Spain.
Exhibits at Galería Juan Manuel Lumbreras in Bilbao, where he will exhibit on several other occasions in the coming years.
Participates in the exhibition Jahresgaben at the Kuntsverein Braunschweig in Braunschweig, Germany.
Creates La memoria de la montaña after being commissioned by the town of Lemoa to design a project to rehabilitate the Peña Lemoa quarry.
Exhibits at Galerie Baukunst in Cologne.
Jauregi’s work is included in Spanische Kunst am Ende des Jahrhunderts at the Museum Würth in Künzelsau, Germany.
Takes part in the group exhibition El arca at the Kunstverein Bad Salzdetfurth in Bodenburg, Germnay. Jauregi’s Memoria arbórea is installed in Barakaldo, Spain.
Jauregi’s graphic work is displayed at Galería Arteko in San Sebastián and Galería Juan Manuel Lumbreras in Bilbao.
The Fundación Inasmet in San Sebastián presents the solo exhibition Estética del proceso.
Exhibits at Galería Ekain in San Sebastián and Galería Juan Manuel Lumbreras in Bilbao.
Commissioned by the government of Fuerteventura, Spain, creates a series of sculptures entitled Homage to Chillida.
Creates Asedio I, acquired by the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao the following year.
Exhibits at Galería Ekain and the Iglesia San Vicente, both in San Sebastián. Also has shows at Galería Kur in San Sebastián and Barrena Kultur Etxea in Ordizia, Spain.
Exhibits sculpture and graphic work inspired by Asian motifs at Galería Juan Manuel Lumbreras in Bilbao and, under the title Altzürükü, at Galería Ekain in San Sebastián.
Holds exhibitions in Madrid at Arte Contemporáneo and Xanon Galería de Arte.
Holds an exhibition of outdoor sculpture in Tolosa, Spain, and exhibits at Galería Ispilu Arte in Zarauz, Spain.
Jauregi’s work is featured in the exhibition El cincel y la palabra at the Sala Kubo del Palacio Kursaal in San Sebastián.
The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao presents Laboratories: Insights into the Permanent Collection: Koldobika Jauregi . His work is later featured in the museum’s exhibition
Unknowns: Mapping Contemporary Basque Art , curated by Juan Luis Moraza.
Participates in the exhibition Figura humana y abstracción at the Museo Würth La Rioja in Agoncillo, Spain.
Galería Ekain in San Sebastián, Spain, presents the solo exhibition Bidaia .
Begins working on UR MARA, an experimental space that fuses art, ethnography (“human creations”), and nature. The space consists of a set of permanent open-air
sculptures and sporadic exhibitions of his most recent works. Visitors can also see “works in progress” by Koldobika Jauregi at the quarry beside the lime kiln and in other areas of UR MARA. Participates in Naturaldia10 with the creation and installation of a poster for an event sponsored by the Tolosa Culture Center. Together with José Luis Zumeta and Juan Luis
Goenaga, shows his work in a group exhibition organized by the Ispilu Arte gallery in Zarautz, Spain.
Participates in the traveling exhibition Artea Oinez11 as part of Nafarroa Oinez (a festival celebrated each year by Basque schools in Navarre).
His work is displayed at the International Print Festival (FIG) in Bilbao, where he delivers the speech Naturaleza del grabado, about the footprints left on the natural world.
To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Gernika, Jauregi creates a tapestry among other pieces.
Casa Falconieri in Sardinia invites him to conduct an international workshop on the natural footprint on the island, in the context of the project Geografía del signo.
Makes the illustrations for the Basque edition of the book of poems William Shakespeare ─ Sonetoak, sponsored by the Mikel Laboa Chair.
Begins the multidisciplinary artistic project SKEfimeoak.
Participates in the exhibition Escultura Española. Siglos XX–XXI, curated by Kosme de Barañano and held in Galería de Arte Marlborough in Madrid.
To celebrate Euskararen Eguna (Basque Language Day), he creates the performance Txantxangorria in the Auditorium of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.
Participates as production designer in the feature film Dantza, directed by Telmo Esnal.
Works by Jauregi are installed in public spaces in Bayonne and Mauléon, France.