You're 12 scissors tall!

Artist: Maider López
Medium: Photography, collage, and artistic action
School: CP Arrateko Andra Mari
Year: 3rd and 4th grade
Areas and related subjects: Mathematics
Teacher:Miren Zabaleta and Maite Rescalbo


To look for new ways of measuring and representing measurements.


Scissors, cardboard, camera, and found objects.


  1. The metric system, part of the mathematics curriculum, can be an endless source of fun and creative exercises.
  2. The students measure large objects such as tables or doors, and other smaller objects found in the classroom, such as pencils or shoes.
  3. The objects are used to measure the height of one of the children: Mohamed is 15 tubes of glue, 12 scissors, six boots … tall.
  4. The children create an installation that relates the child to a number of elements of the same height, combining objects and people.
  5.  A picture is then taken of the activity.
  6. Letters are made out of cardboard to write an inventory of the different objects used in the installation.