Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao



The new Bilbao represents a celebration of architecture and urban planning, constituting an open-air museum thanks to the works of some of the world’s leading architects, including Frank Gehry, César Pelli, Javier López Chollet, Arata Isozaki, Robert Stern, Luis Peña Ganchegui or Ricardo Legorreta.

Covering an area of 348,000 sqm, Abandoibarra used to be part of the city’s port but now contains examples of contemporary architecture with buildings such as the Euskalduna Congress Center and Auditorium, the Bilbao Estuary Maritime Museum, the Zubiarte shopping mall, or the Iberdrola tower. The city center has been transformed through buildings such as the Basque Library, the offices of Osakidetza (Basque Health Service) Isozaki Atea and the Fine Arts Museum. Even outside the centre, in all the corners of the city, you will find a combination of industrial architecture with elegant and modern structures, such as the Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao, the riverside market (La Ribera), or the Campos Elíseos theater and the Casino.

What to See