The passage of time
Artist: Naia del Castillo
Media: photography
School: C.P. Santa María (Vitoria)
Year: 2nd
Teacher: Paloma Meana
Related areas and subjects: Social and Natural Sciences
Media: photography
School: C.P. Santa María (Vitoria)
Year: 2nd
Teacher: Paloma Meana
Related areas and subjects: Social and Natural Sciences
To reflect on time, while encouraging an interest in photography thanks to discovering its aesthetic and creative possibilities.
Disposable cameras
- The students held a debate on questions of how time is measured, or how time changes the body, spaces and objects.
- Each student was given a disposable camera, asking them to capture the passing of time at school, in the playground, on their way to and from school, at home, etc.
- They were taught a series of basic photography concepts, on aspects such as how to use the camera, the light, the flash or the frame.
- All of the photographs were collected and shared with the single objective of demonstrating and trying to understand the passing of time.
- The photographs portrayed used pencils; places affected by human action; tangerine peels—dry and misshapen; the traces left by flowing water.... The idea wasn’t to trap time, but to bear witness to its effect: the transformation, evolution and change, of state and place.