Tapestry of Sensations
Develop aesthetic appreciation in an artistic project that increases group cohesion whilst using psychomotor skills.
Colored cards, felt, plastic mesh, wool, cardboard, and scissors.
- The group has to design an ideal place, a magical installation, an environment that makes them feel good.
- First questions are raised: What will this place be like? How will it make you feel? What can colors provide? And shapes?
- As sources of inspiration: mandalas, fractals, the language of colors...
- Each student designs a small format sketch combining geometric forms made of colored cards.
- The effects of the designs are discussed.
- The group agrees on a design for the large scale installation (the tapestry): it will be based on repeating a geometric form (they choose a square) made out of felt and wool.
- Groups of 4 or 5 children work in each in a section of a 50 x 50 cm square of plastic mesh.
- Strips of felt are cut and knotted to the mesh. Many strips of fabric give a spongy effect and hide the base mesh.
- Wool is used to make pompoms and elements are painted on the tapestry.
- The mesh squares are hung next to each other, generating an installation, a great tapestry that covers a space in the classroom.